"Not all those who wander are lost." – JRR Tolkien

It Dawned Night..

Success is measured not by the appreciation of your own people, but by the words of few random strangers who intend to be friends. The Germ has received a very well woven,deep poem by KrishnaKant, an English Honors Graduate from Maharaja Agrasen College to be published in this edition. Thanks KrishnaKant. Do Read Everyone-

It Dawned Night!

And look! It`s morning.
The sullen night; it`s calmness broken.
The heart revives again.

Cut to be sewn, punctured to be filled.
Weird dreams of a terrorist investigation,
To comply with an act of impatient violence.
The defiance of a treacherous hopeless miracle.

The black hole inside gently sucked,
While the white coats never understood.
Like the pangs of a woman denied childbirth,
Her body denied the birth of blood.

Wearied of her longest battle ever,
Did she choose to leave all behind?
One moment and the rest….
Was She at peace in her heart and mind?

How can God be so brute?
Planting seeds of love and then uproot.
On Judgement day, even he will answer
His kids questioning, the rights of the Father.

How could I ever understand,
The void of a mother.
Though she lives..
Lives too far away.

Not so long,
It was yesterday at 4:15,
It dawned night.

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